
May Wrap-Up!

If I may.
May I?
May, you’ve been a rollercoaster.


What’s New?

So much and so little have happened this month! Some days felt they would never end, others ended too quickly. Overall, it’s been good. I’ve been feeling alive. 

Remember when I started talking about a Publishing degree? Well, it turned out there were two degrees available. In fact, they are complementary. One I call “the basics”, and the big one. The big one is mainly for people with experience and blablabla but most importantly, it’s paid! And it had those beautiful “assistant editor” and “publicist” titles among the jobs you can apply for when you get it. So I called the school, and the nice lady at the other end of the line told me to give it a try. Then I remembered my psychiatrist saying it was better to fail than to regret. So I gathered my poor blogging experience, was lucky to get reference letters, and applied for both degrees.
Unfortunately, it did not work. The shiny paid degree will have to wait. But not all hope is lost as I am waiting to hear if I’m eligible to pass the tests for the “basics” one-year degree. This one was my goal, so I should not have hoped so much for the other to work. It was a mistake, but I learned from it. I actually took it better than I thought I would. It did not work out the way I wanted, but I managed to overcome my fear of failure to give my dream a try, and my fingers are still crossed. And if this year is not the year, then next year it will be. My will to succeed is stronger than my fear to fail. Massive step! 

I’m a sports addict!! No, I’m just kidding! I only started working out a bit with running and walking at least three times a week, and wow I had forgotten that a rapid heartbeat did not mean you were gonna die or collapse in the next minute. I’m slowly rediscovering and reconnecting emotions with physical reactions, and it’s another win against anxiety.

In other news… I enjoyed some family time. Truly, really appreciated it, not just pretended. I have been trying, anything and everything, and it feels good. I‘ve also decided to put myself first, no matter what that means.

Bad days are tucked in a jar, I’ll only remember May as a giant step towards my life goal.

ps: still haven’t bought James Blunt’s new album, I feel terrible!

Books I Read

I am over the moon to have exceeded my goal of ten books by reading… twelve books! (Yes, Block 46 counts twice because you don’t experience a story the same way in a different language!!) This was a big reading month for me, I had lots of good surprises, amazing times with stories, and I learned two days ago than I could write a review right after having finished the book as long as I can tweak things a few days later when the story settles for good in my mind.

Books I Reviewed

May was a fantastic reviewing month! I absolutely enjoyed every moment spent trying to find the right words, and I’m really proud to have 9 review up this month!

Play with Fire, Careful not to Get Burned: Review of Windcatcher by A.J. Norfield @AJNorfield

A 4-star review for a dragon on Chocolate’n’Waffles!

Got a Secret? ARC Review: The Darkest Lies by Barbara Copperthwaite @BCopperthwait @bookouture

Another Bookouture hit with 5 dark stars!

Steamy Review: Kane by Jillian Quinn @jquinnbooks

And 4 steamy stars for marriage-material Kane!

After the Butterfly Effect… Meet: The Cobra Effect, by Christy Esmahan @ChristyEsmahan

3 and a half stars for an eco-thriller that gives you plenty to think about!

Tipping the Scale of Justice: Two Lost Boys, LF Robertson #BlogTour @TitanBooks @laroquette88

My dose of legal thrillers was rewarded by 4 stars.

Dartense: the dark/intense Block 46 by Johana Gustawsson #BlogTour @OrendaBooks @JoGustawsson

My attempt at creating words and all the stars in the sky for one of my favorite books of the year!

Sing Along: Annie’s Lovely Choir by the Sea by Liz Eeles @lizeelesauthor @bookouture #BlogTour

5 stars for Bookouture again for reminding me there were also brilliant stories outside of crime books!

The French Way: Block 46 de Johana Gustawsson @JoGustawsson @BragelonneFR #auteurfavori

My first attempt at a review entirely written in French! It was not a disaster, and I’m planning more of them in the future (especially because the second book in the series is already here with me and I so want to tease you :p)

And… Action: Reconciliation For The Dead by @Hardisty_Paul @OrendaBooks #BlogTour

Last but not least, 4 and a half stars for the master of action thrillers!

New Books! (purchased, gifts, ARCs, whatever)

I won’t even try to find excuses….

A huge thank you to my friend Debby @alwaysbooking for the fantastic book mail ❤

The Book of the Month Award

Does it really come as a surprise if I choose the magnificent and powerful Block 46 as my Book of the Month? I was blown away by the writing and I can’t thank Johana Gustawsson enough for pouring her heart and soul into her books.

I loved diving into both versions, I love how both publishers have worked on this book, and I cannot wait to read the second book in the series!

Blogging Life

I’m quite happy with what was published, but I do miss tags! And of course, I love my new design! I’m relieved I did not make Chocolate’n’Waffles explode when I was customizing everything, haha! #proudblogmama

Cover Reveal

This Week In Books

Blog Therapy 

The Pub Corner

We also won another 105 new followers this month! Wow! Thank you to everyone for joining the ride / staying for the journey! 😀

That’s a wrap! Let me know all about your May in the comments! 


70 thoughts on “May Wrap-Up!”

  1. Seems like you had a great May Donna. I’m sorry you didn’t manage to get into the ‘big one’ publishing course but like you said at least you went for it and there is always next year! 🙂
    Also you got through some great books as well, and it seems like there were all ones you really enjoyed as well. 😀
    I hope your June is just as incredible for you. 🙂 ❤️


  2. Wonderful post Donna. Sorry about the paying degree but I am proud of you for trying it out. All the best with the basic one. Your reading this month looks great and block 46 sounds like it made quite an impression on you. Its nice that you were able to read both versions. I have read some of the titles that you have bought like The Game You Played and Be My Killer. Others like Missing Reported, Two Sisters, Liar, Other Girl, Serial Killer’s Daughter are on my reading list. I like the sound of Jihadi. So I will check it out. Congratulations on the new followers and have a wonderful new month.


    1. Thanks a lot! I am also proud of myself for trying. My fear of failure would have prevented me from even thinking about it before! Block 46 has reopened my mind and eyes to French literature and I just cannot wait to be able to go to a bookstore and get a couple of French authors!
      Thanks so much for everything, May was fantastic, and having you around is part of what has made it great 🙂 Let’s have a great June! xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Goodness, you have been a busy girl! Wishing you the best of luck with all your projects – and sometimes not getting the things we hoped for does work out for the best.


  4. May was really an excellent month for you on all levels! I’m glad the news about not being accepted for the shiny paid degree didn’t bring you down and you’re still looking ahead! You’re full of optimism and I love you for it :-). Also 29 books added to your TBR, that’s a massive book haul! I look forward to ALL the reviews. Happy reading next month!


    1. I can’t believe May was so good to me. Well, it was a bitch a couple of times, but I can’t complain, I’m bitchier :p You know, I am very surprised to have taken the news of having failed to be eligible so well. Maybe I’m growing up 🙂 I can’t explain why but it feels good not to feel guilty or devastated about it. I tried, that’s what matters!
      Hearing I’m positive of optimistic is so weird because it’s a battle against myself, it doesn’t come naturally so I’m happy those are the feelings that shine through my posts, it means I’m learning to make them stick in me to erase the pessimist monster inside 🙂 That book haul is crazy, but the sight of all those books is a stress reliever 🙂
      Happy bookish June!!! xxx


      1. Definitely. I had a really difficult year last year with a lot of worries (apart from getting married) and am determined to make this year a good year. Life can often seem like it is conspiring against you but the things you thought were bad actually turn out to be of benefit, if that makes sense? xxx


        1. Congratulations on the wedding dear Abbie! (I’m a bit late, but yay!) It totally makes sense. Even when things don’t turn the way you wanted them to, sometimes it’s for the best and you end up with what you need, life offers you something different 🙂 xxx

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Don’t worry about the shiny paid degree; you’ll get there in the end! ❤ Loved your introduction and my head is still spinning from the amount of beautiful covers in this post. 😉 Wish you all the best for June!!!


  6. You had such an amazing reading and reviewing month, my Sweechie ❤ I will keep my fingers crossed for you on this publishing degree for sure ❤


  7. Wow what a bookish month you’ve had. A lot of reading and a huge amount of new books! You will be needing new shelves or extra e-space soon! 😉
    My favourite sounding of all the reviews you wrote is Two Lost Boys.
    I’m glad May was a good month for you. I have gone back to walking (not ventured up to running yet!). But I like it just as the sun is setting.
    I wish you lots of luck and best wishes for your application to the degree. I really like the sound of it too.
    I hope June will be a positive month too. You certainly sound like you are making big steps. I think when the odd bad day comes along if we remember the good times and progress, hopefully the bad ones will be less and less. It is definitely important to put yourself first, so I think we should both keep doing that. 💕
    Lots of love Amanda.


    1. Oh my, you have no idea! I use an old piece of furniture from my mom to stock my books but I’m getting some I had left in my old apartment soon and I have no idea where I’ll put them! I need proper bookcases!
      I’m glad the review for Two Lost Boys convinced you, I liked writing it 🙂 The law school student in me was really happy!
      Walking feels so good, but I’m gutted, I need to wake up very early to do it or else the heat ruins everything and I can’t go very far (very far meaning 2 minutes away) before I melt!
      I received good news about the degree today 🙂 I’m eligible to take the exams and try to get my place there, so I’m very excited, very nervous, and very surprised :$ 🙂
      We definitely need to put ourselves on the first plan, it’s the best for us and those around us 🙂 I totally agree! I feel the bad days with the vibes of the good days I gather. I wish you a wonderful June my dear friend, I hope you take care of yourself, and you enjoy the best stories 🙂 Lots of love!

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Ooh no chocolate! Can you still enjoy waffles? I can see why giving up choc would be good for a while. Maybe the walks and runs will be an alternative and healthier stress reliever. I hope it makes a difference. X


  8. May has been a true milestone month for you ❤ I have been so overwhelmed with all you have set out to do and accomplished! And I am not just talking about blogging and books 😉 Keep at it my beautiful Twin Pea.. Now I sulk off to decide whether I will recap my very slow May hah. Love you!


    1. Absolutely. A few weeks ago, I couldn’t hardly imagine getting better enough to make projects, and now I’m in the middle of everything, and it feels good instead of overwhelming 🙂 I don’t know how it is happening, but it is, and I’m going with the flow… I truly hope I can maintain this wave of positivity, even in bad days ❤ Love youuuuuuu

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Funny, while reading Block 46 I actually thought it might be a much better read in French! Glad you gave it 5* cos now I know 😀


      1. Well the translation of, what I presume was, chatte was quite funny but other than that I think reading something in the language it was first written in is lovely. I think it makes it more authentic or something, can’t explain it lol


  10. Wow, what a busy month! I’m so proud of how you’ve done in May, I hope you’re proud of yourself. Trying can be so hard and you’ve tried so much this month, which is brilliant. You’re amazing! Well done on how your blog is going too, it’s a testament to your brilliant writing and your fab personality! Here’s to a great June 😊


    1. Writing this post made me realize just how much had been done, experienced, tried, and how I had grown and progressed during those last weeks! 🙂 I am very very proud of myself for not letting a failure ruin my days, for still hoping, for the reading done and the reviews written, for the bad days I went through, and for all the victories 🙂 I rewarded myself with a wonderful pair of high heels, haha! It’s funny how I still don’t see how much I try. Now I just do and see what happens, and this in itself is so new to me! You are too sweet to me 🙂 I’m still surprised I have managed to keep the blog alive, my writing okay and those posts filled with my weird personality!
      I wish you a peaceful June, I hope the days don’t give you too much trouble and the books let you escape xxxx


  11. Glad you had a good month and I hope you succeed on getting on your degree. Lots and lots of books there, so I had to skim so I wouldn’t get too tempted! Have a great June! 😀


  12. Ahh that’s brilliant that your will to succeed is getting stronger!!! And yay to exercising!! hehe is it wrong that I still listen to my old James Blunt cds from time to time then? 😉 Wow so many books and reviews- well done and well done on gaining so many followers *confetti, lots and lots of confetti* 😀


    1. I don’t know what’s ahead but I know I’m getting stronger to accept it 😀
      Yay, another James Blunt fan 😀 I feel alone because I get laughed at a lot because of that!!!
      I was like “isn’t there an error with WP’s numbers???” They don’t matter but they make you smile 🙂 xxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww fantastic- that’s great to hear 😀
        haha I know the feeling- I really like his stuff and I don’t really get why it’s seen as such a strange thing to like!
        hahaha aww I’m glad! 😀 Absolutely- they should!!! xxx


  13. I’m really happy for the optimism you indulge in your life and those amazing steps you take in pursuing your life goals and not being afraid of any sort of failure. Even failures can be seen as success! 😉 Reading-wise, you’ve had such a wonderful month and it seems like June is going to be just as epic! Have a fantastic month and happy reading Donna! 🙂


    1. Thanks a lot for this message! ❤ I'm trying to gather as much positivity myself because life and illnesses often try to get in the way and I won't let them anymore 🙂 I hope being optimistic on the blog can bring more of it everywhere, so I inject as much as possible everywhere!! May was full of life and oxygen, let's have a wonderful June! xx

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Sorry things didn’t work out with the bigger publishing agree, but the fact that you gave it a try anyway is so awesome!!! I’m super proud of you ♥♥ I hope things work out with the other degree, Donna!!

    Also you had such a great reading month!!! Teach me your ways 😂


    1. Thank you 🙂 I’ve been called in for the second degree, so things are not over yet 🙂 ❤ I'm proud of having taken the steps to get what I wanted, it's scary but feels so good.

      Haha, I don't know how I did it!! But my reading will be cut down in June so I'm glad I had a fantastic reading time in May!


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