This week in books

This Week In Books (October 19th 2016)


This Week In Books is a weekly update on what you’ve been reading hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found . A similar meme is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

It felt so wrong last week not to have a TWIB post! So no, I haven’t finished Lolita, or Huckleberry Finn. But I did get some reading done, because let’s be honest, we can’t stay away from books for too long.

∧ Then ∧ Descriptions of Heaven, Randal Eldon Greene

descriptions of heaven.jpg

A linguist, a lake monster, and the looming shadow of death—news of an unknown creature in the New Bedford Lake coincides with news that Natalia’s cancer has returned.

On the shores of the lake in a strange house with many secret doors, Robert and his family must face the fact that Natalia is dying, and there is no hope this time. But they continue on; their son plays by the lakeside, Natalia paints, Robert writes, and all the while the air is thick with dust from a worldwide drought that threatens to come down and coat their little corner of green.

A lament for what is already lost and what is yet to be lost, Descriptions of Heaven leaves only one question to be asked: What’s next?

I hesitated before agreeing to read this book due to the heavy subject it included, but I am happy I did it anyway. My review will be published closer to the publication date but there is an excerpt coming your way soon!

≈ Now ≈ Queen of Shadows, Sarah J. Maas / Snowflakes and Christmas Cakes, Lindsay Paley


Still buddy-reading Queen of Shadows, who turns out to be a nice surprise. Yes, I started complaining again, but it would be less fun without it! I need to find nicknames for the rest of the characters because Flo is now using them, haha!


When all-round buttercream princess, Millie Carter, becomes stranded at Craiglea Manor Cookery School, she believes her chance of enjoying a merry festive season is over.

The village of Aisford is Christmas-card perfect, but Millie hates it – she hates the snow, her freezing fingertips, and being forced to look like her Aunt Marjory in a mud-splattered wax jacket and wellies instead of her beloved shorts and sparkly sandals.

She plots her escape but ends up locking spatulas with the estate manager, Fergus McKenzie, who is forced to rescue her before she succumbs to a severe dose of hyperthermia. Things start to improve with the arrival of handsome Sam Morgan, fresh from the beaches and rum shacks of the Caribbean.

Can Millie accept her fate? And will Aisford sprinkle some of its seasonal magic on her troubles?

Snowflakes and Christmas Cakes is a festive story of love and friendship and reaching for the buttercream icing and edible glitter when life gets tough.

My first Christmas story! I’m not a Christmas person, never been, probably never will be, but hey, a girl can try! I am hoping holiday books can help me get into the spirit.

∨ Next ∨ Lolita / Huckleberry Finn

kill me now.gif

Have you read any of these books? What is on your list this week?
Do share in the comments:)
Happy reading

51 thoughts on “This Week In Books (October 19th 2016)”

    1. I love Celaena so much, I will create a shrine dedicated to her in my bedroom 😂 Well, my favorite character in the world is Lady, because let’s be honest, she does act and sound like a lady instead of a badass assassin! Chaol becomes Chacal, the French for jackal, because I can’t type his name without making a typo. Dorian turns into Dodo, which is the French for sleep in kid’s language because he’s boring xD This is what I do when the story fails to keep my attention. You need to read the rest! The second book was my least favorite!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh no! 😂 Dorian is way boring. I completely agree. He has no depth as a character. Chaol is the typical moody soldier type. Oh great the second book was your least favorite. How ever will I make it through? 😂


    1. The only thing I really can’t stand is the constant reminder of the Fae’s sense of smell. Oh my, I just could not care less about Aelin and Rowan smelling each other! But I find this book to be quite good, with enough action and less girly whining. Thank you for the link 🙂

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  1. Queen of Shadows is my 2nd fave to Assassin’s Blade which I loved more than all of them put together. I just got a serious case of nostalgia seeing your cover of Huck Finn (had to re-type that a few times cuz it kept auto-correcting to Shuck Finn😂) I read this book when I was a kid, too young to understand all of what was realllly going on in that book. I’ll def have to re-read one day soon 😉💕


    1. Have you read the newest book? I keep hearing it’s brilliant. Queen of Shadows appears to be either hit or miss. It’s definitely a hit for me! Haha, I stopped typing/writing the book’s entire name, I only use HF xD Can you read it for me? I really don’t want to!!

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      1. Lmao!!! I really enjoyed Queen of Shadows but I can’t say the same of Empire of Storms aka EOS 😂😂😂 but this is the case for a lot of readers who have also read & enjoyed her other on-going series A Court of Thorns & Roses. EOS was a bit of a let down, have you read ACOTAR? Huck Finn! lol I was way too young for some of the books I was reading but in my defense a lot of these books were in my agar range section at the library. Come to find out as an adult that there were so many heavy themes in these books lol smh. I’m def going to re-read out of curiosity. Is it a required reading for you?


        1. Nope, I don’t think I’ll read ACOTAR. Throne of glass is okay, but I don’t feel like giving Maas too much of my time! 🙂
          Yep, assigned reading, along with Manhattan Transfer, DeLillo’s book, The Age of Innocence and Lolita … Help!!

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          1. Ok good lol even though I prefer ACOTAR, at least your experience with TOG won’t be ruined because you’re only reading that series. I’ve always wanted to read Lolita but that’s a dark one mentally so one day lol.


  2. Ufff, I don’t know of I could read Descriptions of heaven, I really don’t like books or movies about illnesses 😦 I’ve never read a Christmas story, ever!

    This week I read The Strawberry Girl and I started The Education of Dixie Dupree 😀


    1. They’re not my cup of tea either, and with the mindset I am in at the moment, it was quite difficult to keep on reading, but it was interesting. Definitely not an easy read, especially because of the beautiful -and complicated- vocabulary used throughout the book, but something kept me reading anyway.
      Really? Will you be giving a Christmas story a try this year? Maybe a domestic noir set during the holidays! Happy reading Annie! I like the title of The Strawberry Girl, it sounds cute!

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  3. That first one seems to centre around a heavy subject indeed! I don’t think I’d have the courage to read that kind of stuff right now. Then again, I’m very much into self-torture apparently xD.

    THANK GOD it said Snowflakes and Christmas Cakes! The author I had a huge issue with last year wrote Snowflakes and Coffee Cakes. I was already jumping out of my seat to go NOOOOOOOOOO, Donna, don’t read it!! But *phew* you can read this one. Hopefully it does get you in the holiday spirit 🙂


    1. It was indeed a heavy read, and I wish I had been in a stronger mindset to read it. But the writing style was beautiful and the story itself was good enough to keep me reading 🙂 I’d say it’s a nice book about what heaven means to everyone, how we human create images to fight our fears, and that the right conditions must be set to truly enjoy it.
      Haha! Fingers crossed this book rekindles my love for Christmas!

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      1. Ooh, that’s some deep stuff there! Creating images to fight our fears. It’s true, though, in a lot of aspects! I will light a candle for you! And also to get rid of the stale fart smell in my living room xD

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  4. I tried reading Huckleberry Finn as a child and really didn’t like it and at that age I would read practically anything. I’m glad you got some reading done even if it wasn’t quite what you intended 🙂


  5. Hey, are you on the blog tour for Lindsey Paley’s book? I am (so that’s why I’m asking) and plan to read this book soon! 🙂
    P.S. I decided that in December I’m finally starting Throne of Glass series! 🙂


    1. I am! I just sent the book to my Kindle! I really hope it will help me appreciate Christmas a little more 🙂
      I just can’t wait to hear your thoughts on Throne of Glass! 🙂 I’m the living proof that if you stick to it, you can actually end up really liking it.

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      1. I hope I’ll like it, but I know Daniella (Booktuber from PixieTonic chanell (or something like that)) really dislikes Throne of Glass, and I usually agree with her opinion, so that’s why I don’t have very high expectations…
        I’ll definitely review it once I read it, though.


        1. It’s better not to have any expectations at all with this series! I have only truly enjoyed Queen of Shadows, so having to wait for the 4th(? I can’t remember!) book to like a series is a bit long.

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  6. I look forward to your review of Description of Heaven. It does sound like a wonderful read despite the heavy themes. Glad to hear that you are reading a holiday-themed book. Some of them can be pretty good(Don’t listen to Annie on this lol). I hope that you are enjoying it. Happy reading.


    1. I was surprised to like Descriptions of Heaven this much, especially when the writing is complex at times, but it works perfectly with the story. The holiday-theme book did not have the effect I expected! I am immune to the Christmas magic I suppose!! Thank you 🙂 Happy reading to you too!


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