This week in books

This Week In Books (September 14th 2016)


This Week In Books is a weekly update on what you’ve been reading hosted by Lipsyy Lost & Found . A similar meme is hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

∧ Then ∧ Undertow, Elizabeth Heathcote


A heart-pounding psychological thriller for fans of Disclaimer and Apple Tree Yard.

My husband’s lover. They said her death was a tragic accident. And I believed them . . . until now.
Carmen is happily married to Tom, a successful London lawyer and divorcé with three children. She is content to absorb the stresses of being a stepmother to teenagers and the stain of ‘second wife’. She knows she’ll always live in the shadow of another woman – not Tom’s first wife Laura, who is resolutely polite and determinedly respectable, but the lover that ended his first marriage: Zena. Zena who was shockingly beautiful. Zena who drowned swimming late one night.

It turns out I quite enjoy the “don’t trust your husband” trope. Beware of your husbands, ladies. It starts with hiding the dirty laundry and before you know it they hide a body.

≈ Now ≈ The Ice Beneath Her, Camilla Grebe

the ice beneath her

Starting this one today! Cleo’s review sparkled my enthusiasm about finally discovering a Nordic crime story.

∨ Next ∨ Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Jenny Lawson

lets pretend

Jenny Lawson realized that the most mortifying moments of our lives—the ones we’d like to pretend never happened—are in fact the ones that define us. In the #1 New York Times bestseller, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Lawson takes readers on a hilarious journey recalling her bizarre upbringing in rural Texas, her devastatingly awkward high school years, and her relationship with her long-suffering husband, Victor. Chapters include: “Stanley the Magical, Talking Squirrel”; “A Series of Angry Post-It Notes to My Husband”; “My Vagina Is Fine. Thanks for Asking”; “And Then I Snuck a Dead Cuban Alligator on an Airplane.” Pictures with captions (no one would believe these things without proof) accompany the text.

Time for a small break from my usual genre to something lighter before my head explodes. I am sure this one will be entertaining enough to give me the break I need.

Have you read any of these books? What is on your list this week?
Do share in the comments:)
Happy reading


45 thoughts on “This Week In Books (September 14th 2016)”

    1. I had forgotten about the book. Your review reminded me why I had chosen it in the first place and proved me it was a great read! 🙂 Undertow was a gripping story, and the suspense held until the very last pages!


    1. Undertow was just great! I kept making guesses and even though I had connected some threads, only when Carmen got all the answers did I fully understand what had happened, so the book did a good job 🙂 I hope we both enjoy Camilla’s book!

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  1. LOL @ “It turns out I quite enjoy the “don’t trust your husband” trope. Beware of your husbands, ladies. It starts with hiding the laundry and before you know it they hide a body.” As if women aren’t paranoid enough already 😀

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      1. That’s a good way of looking at it.. @No, Husband, I’m not a psycho b*tch, I’m just keewping the passion alive!” 😀
        But yes, they can be really good… well, at least the one I read a while back… with a major twist.. it’s Between You and Me by Lisa Hall if you feel like checking it out… and haven’t read it yet 🙂

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    1. Haha, I’ve known so many guys hiding their dirty laundry in their room, they become master in the art of hiding things! Undertow was a great thriller with a perfect pace 🙂 Thanks for the link, I’ll check your post now!


  2. Undertow sounds so good! I never had much interest in thrillers but over the past couple of months, I’ve been craving them for some reason. I might have to check that one out. I couldn’t help but laugh at your comment about husbands starting by hiding dirty laundry and ending up hiding a dead body hahaha

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  3. “It starts with hiding the dirty laundry”. Well, no worries for me then because my husband drops his underwear (and other clothes)where he stands. It does work great for getting guests out of the house when it’s already way too late for us. He just drops his pants and out they go :P. But yes! Sounds like an intriguing book ;). And more Jenny Lawson!!

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      1. Words are meant to be discovered *nods*. It’s the development of language, flowing like a river and such. Yeah XD. Maybe they can work together? Mine drops his underwear, yours picks it up and hides it? Teamwork! 😉

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    1. Haha, I don’t know Stanley yet but I met Rory the Raccoon and loved it so I’m not worried about Stanley! It’s not so weird as it is fun and interesting 😀


  4. Undertow sounds really good! I added it to my TBR. I definitely like the ‘don’t trust your husband’ trope too. Or insert wife instead of husband. Haha. Girls can be pretty wicked too. Amy from Gone Girl comes to mind here. 😉 Have a great reading week!

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  5. Undertow sounds like a great read! Definitely going to check that one out.
    It’s always the husband or seems to be the husband.
    I quite obsessed with those books as well lol.
    I’m going to have to check out The Ice Beneath Her too!
    I love a good thriller can’t wait to see what you think of it 🙂

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    1. Haha, husbands make perfect suspects, don’t they? Thanks so much for your comment 🙂 the reviews for both thrillers should be up on the blog next week. Thrillers are always complicated to review!

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    1. I feel we’ve been very lucky with thrillers this year! Haha, not at all 🙂 Jenny Lawson is the woman who wrote the amazing Furiously Happy, a book about her struggle with mental illness that helped me a lot this summer. I love her light tone and take on what it’s like to live with depression and anxiety.


  6. The don’t trust the husband trope. Lol. You do seem to read a lot of books like that. 🙂 I’m reading so many things I can’t even keep track. It fluctuates with my mood. I’m reading Labyrinth Lost right now. I’m liking it so far.


    1. I can’t help but get suspicious about husbands, they’re a weird species 😂 I’ve decided to have a list of small goals for 2017, like read 1 scifi book per month, to make sure I don’t stay too much of one genre, but thrillers will always have my heart. Mood reading is the best because moods influence our view on a story so much. I know if I force myself to read something when I don’t feel like it, I won’t enjoy the book. I don’t know Labyrinth Lost!

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      1. I’m suspicious of all men not just husbands. LOL 😂 That’s a good goal. I started mixing my genres so I had more options to review and also so I don’t get in a funk. Labyrinth Lost is about bruja magic. It’s really good. It sort of reminds me of my own book, which is so weird.

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        1. 😂 That’s not a bad idea. Mixing genres is really fun, I try to balance things so it takes me forever to choose books xD Well, that should be a reassurance there’s an audience for this kind of books!

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